Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

being indie

it can never happen cause everyone is telling you to be different so everyone is being different so everyone is doing the same thing therefore no one is hipster

think about that


You're killing me Smalls! These are s'more's stuff! Ok, pay attention. First you take the graham, you stick the chocolate on the graham. Then you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallows flaming... you stick it on the chocolate. Then cover with the other end. Then you scarf. Kind of messy, but good! Try some!

The Sandlot

Monday, November 4, 2013

the perfect day

my perfect day would be to wake up naturally

then skate all day and longboard and mountain bike

i would have the days really long. screw daylight savings. it gets dark way to fast. i would have french toast for breakfast and orange juice. then i would drive my audi and hit 200 miles per hour on the freeway and not get pulled over. there would be no cops. i would be sponcered and get free stuff and payed to skate.

then i would go to a ball pit the size of my house and spend a good hour swimming in it. then i would go sky diving with ariana grande and make out with her in the air then pull the shoot and land on a mountain with my snowboard and go back country skiing. i would be with my friends all day and it would never get boring. then i would act in a movie.

i would know all in the world and would be good at everything

and to end the night i would come home to my mansion and fall asleep really quick dreaming of magical things and  of the next day to come for more adventures :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

my faves

Top five movies
1. this is the end
2. pineapple express
3. warrior
4. the hobbit
5. pretty sweet

Top five song
1. better days - cam meekins
2. river runs deep - knowmads
3. codeine cups- juicy j
4. blessed - school boy q
5.homecoming- kanye west

top five skaters
1. sean malto
2. torey pudwill
3. paul r.
4. mike mo
5. luan olivera

top 5 longboarders
1. chance gaul
2. byron essert
3. patrick switzer
4. james kelly
5. g mac

top five artists
1. kendrick lamar
2. kanye west
3. school boy q
4. asap rocky
5. mac miller


Sunday, October 20, 2013

welcome to the unknown

where are we?
whos to say this is earth?
why does falling hurt so bad?
why do we feel pain?
i want to know how the brain works. Do we even know how our brain works? Do we use all of our brain?
where do we go after this life?
why are we here?
why are people such fags?
why arent drugs legal?
why are there drugs?
how does a trail form?
when am i going to die? am i going to die? what if by the time we are older they have a potion or a solution to aging so we can live forever. that would be gnar. Why do we die? Do we die or go into another world, another life? 
how did someone figure out that if you hook this to that and that to this it would make a car go?
how do we get past a fear?
how do i get a girl to like me?
am i here for a reason?
why dont we have answers for these questions?

Sunday, October 13, 2013


When does it end. When does it begin. Is there such thing as a perfect world? A perfect family? What is perfect? Just a word. A word that describes so much. We all have our problems. Problems that our families have. Problems that my family has that I don't even know about.

Problems I don't even know I had.

It seems like its all unfolding at once. Like there was a sheet of a beautiful sunset on a beach in the Caribbean and now its being peeled back to show who it really is. And its not pretty. Know we see who you really are. All your mistakes your thoughts your actions. Every thought that is behind every action. I can see why now that we hide it. Hide our true identities.

Why would you show something unpretty that is true if you could hold up something false to convince that everything is ok. A lot has happened. How did it come to this? How did we let it get this far without stopping?

Maybe he's right. Maybe I should give religion a chance. And not by just showing up but by living it. Actually living it. Its worth a shot. It can only get better.

Take the chance. Yolo might as well do it right.

Be nice cause everyone has their own baggage  to deal with. Maybe lighten it for them by being a friend.

Monday, October 7, 2013

the struggles of the average day....for me

Again today i came to the realization of what i want in this life. I want to be someone. I dont want to be a follower. But how do i become a leader. MAybe i was meant to be a follower. nope im not accepting that. I am coming to the realization that to be accepted is childish.

We are never going to see these people ever again after high school. So why is it important to be popular. its not but it is its hard to tell yourself that it doesnt matter... cause it does.

If you know people like you and things about you thats a huge self confidence booster. I have had days where i couldnt be myself cause i cared about what people thought but then someone lifted me up and its like i was a new person. i was doing things that i would not normally do because i was scared. i made friends cause of that. What would have happened if i never would have spoke up. I think that my world would be totally different. i would have had a different look at it. So all i want to say is thank you. Thank you for being that one person who had the courage to speak up and say something nice.

when do we start living

we are all going to die someday. The question is when. When are we going to die. When are we going to look death in the face? and there is only one question to answer

Are you ready?
         Are you ready to leave this place? have you lived life the way you wanted to? have you lived it to its fullest. If we are all going to die we shouldnt be scared of the little things like taking the chance to get to know a girl or doing something that excites you that is thrilling.

        We are all going to die. so why does it matter. why does it matter if we take risks? why does it matter cause we are going to leave this life anyway. There are two ways you can look at it. We are going to die so we should take risks and do what makes us happy or we are going to die soon so why should we take risks? Which one are you??!!!?

         I am the risk taker. We have limited time here so why go through it being afraid of talking to a girl or the little things like being accepted. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy. Life is not going to be worth your time to just go through the motions. CREATE. DO some thing you LOVE.


So all thats left is to ask yourself when you look death in the face.... Was it worth it?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

the only thing to fear is fear itself

im afraid of spiders. im afraid of heights. im afraid of drugs. im afraid of change. Im afraid of what could have been. Afraid of what we could of had if i just said hi. Im afraid of girls. Im afraid of commitment. Afraid of relationships. Im afraid of driving. Im afraid to be alone. Im scared of being alone. Im afraid to say hi. Afraid to look. Im afraid to give you a look. Afraid your not looking back.

Im afraid of losing...

Afraid of death. Afraid of living. Im scared its to late. To late to change.

Why do we get scared. Why is it an emotion. It is so hard to face your fears but it will make you stronger. Who says it will make you stronger. How do we know that that saying is true.
How do we know if anything is true. People lie everyday, cheat everyday... That can be scary..


Sunday, September 22, 2013

give your brain an excersise (things to think about)

if we didn't exist would there even be an earth or a sun

What is time

we invented time. time is a manmade thing to keep track of change

we all want money in our life. we all want to be rich. We go through our whole lifes thinking about money and that is our goal but us as humans invented money. Money is just a peice of paper but we give it so much value that it has such an impact on our lives

How far will technology take us... maybe to other galaxies

Are there other galaxies. Do aliens or other beings exist.

Just some things to think about. Our mind is a great thing. I wish i was a little kid again and could imagine all that i wanted and believed it would come true. We lose our imagination as we get older.

Try to keep it alive.

things you should know

my color is yellow
i love oreos
i dont know what love means
i miss my cocoa butter kisses
Nights like this, im a knight like this, sword in my hand, im a fight like this
im still not loving police
read a book and excercise, keep your spirit in
what i see in your eyes words cant come close
fate fell short this time

Schoolboy Q/ Cam Meekins/ Blink-182/ Dre/ Kendrick Lamar

Lets get risky

Life is full of risks. Some risks are not worth it. But some are. Taking a risk can change your life forever for the better or the worst. One risk i am not willing to take is the one that can change my life forever for the worst. My biggest fear is being with the wrong friends at the wrong time and having my life change completely and get in trouble and now have restrictions on my life.

Its Not Worth The Risk

I never want to wake up one morning and realize that i cant reach my fullest potential because i was so caught up in being cool or popular or hip. What i mean by this is that if a group of people you think are so cool and worth your time do something illegal and you are to scared to stand up for yourself and the cops get involved you can get in just as much trouble.

I want freedom

i want to grow up and do whatever i want and go wherever i want and my biggest fear is having that taken away because i was to afraid to just leave...

Sunday, September 15, 2013


It all comes down to this moment. Everything we have learned in the passed couple of hours seem like a blur. I never thought we would get to this point. Whenever i am with you i can only think of all that is good about you. I cant find a single flaw. Maybe you have some but i am not willing to look for them... because if i do im afraid that it will make you imperfect. And whenever i think of you all i can see is perfection.

You are perfect. The way your eyes glitter in the sun and your long hair flows in the breeze on a firey sunset night. Everytime i see you my heart is filled with pain. Filled with pain because i know i cannot have you, i know i can never call you mine. And that makes me sad. When i see you in the halls i try to act busy and pretend i do not notice you cause it hurts when i see your beautiful face but then it hits me.. it hits me like a wall of bricks and i realize i will never get that moment back. That is one less time i will be able to say something to you, even if it was just a word.

When i look into your eyes all i see is the good in the world. What people are capable of and what everyone should do in this life. All is see is good in you and couldnt imagine you doing anything wrong. I wish that someday i can find a girl just like you and be able to put my arm around her and let her know that she is safe and secure and that i can call her mine.

Ps. i dont like my writing but ill get ther

Monday, September 9, 2013


why is it that we lose our sense of creation when we get older? Maybe its because we dont want to get judged and creating things is a form of nerdiness or uncoolness. We create things in many ways. It could be through drawing a picture or taking a picture. It also could be a play in football or making a slam dunk in basketball. 

I think there is more to creating then just making something new. 

Its how it makes you feel and the people who are involved feel. When you see a painting you feel something. Whatever that feeling is its the same if you were watching a sport or doing something you love. 

We create with our hearts and our minds not our fingers

But we still need fingers...... to create

Monday, September 2, 2013

Im here

Today in class we talked about feelings and not being a robot. The question is though how do we know we are human. How do we know? We dont. for all we know we could be robots and robots could be humans and they think that we dont feel and they do. Thats confusing. im human because i have faults and need to be accepted. I think we all do but we are not all willing to admit it. I am excited for this year to write.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Im not a very good writer. Through out my life i have not liked to write or cared for it. So this is me taking a risk and trying something new. its risky