Thursday, January 9, 2014

the very last post

When i sat down to write this nothing came to mind except my lost in paris post so i am going to use that. so i am just going to say my lasts post to nelson and to everyone in the class

i know i said business school but i wouldnt mind enrolling into art school. Its a cool subject i think we need it to understand ourselves. i mean how would we express ourselves if there was no art or hipsters.

i am going to miss this class and hope that i will keep reading and writing. also nelson i dont know  how you did it but i started reading a book and thats pretty cool.


paris is the bomb

so i was sitting in class one day staring out the window and then i started to day dream

i saw myself in a street in the middle of paris. I would have wondered how i got there but i didnt care. i i just knew that i was here now. Paris is a hell of a lot better than utah. You can be you in paris. No one cares who you are. everyone there is an artist

now whether they are good at art... thats a different story.

So i started to walk. not nowing where i was walking to but i just had to. i had to see everything and experience everything before i got sucked back into utah. on my way walking i saw a bridge and then the tower. so much beauty. Why is there not this beauty in utah. maybe there is but im to busy in utah to ever stop and look around.

that got me thinking maybe paris is everywhere. its where you want it to be. whether its in your backyard or at school. Make everywhere you go your paris. Visit it daily and realize the breathtaking beauty that is around us.    

Go make paris yours.