Sunday, September 29, 2013

the only thing to fear is fear itself

im afraid of spiders. im afraid of heights. im afraid of drugs. im afraid of change. Im afraid of what could have been. Afraid of what we could of had if i just said hi. Im afraid of girls. Im afraid of commitment. Afraid of relationships. Im afraid of driving. Im afraid to be alone. Im scared of being alone. Im afraid to say hi. Afraid to look. Im afraid to give you a look. Afraid your not looking back.

Im afraid of losing...

Afraid of death. Afraid of living. Im scared its to late. To late to change.

Why do we get scared. Why is it an emotion. It is so hard to face your fears but it will make you stronger. Who says it will make you stronger. How do we know that that saying is true.
How do we know if anything is true. People lie everyday, cheat everyday... That can be scary..